Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Top Ten Tuesday 15

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.  This week's topic is the Top Ten Books I'd Like to See Made into a Movie.  While I am like most bookish folk in that I vastly prefer most novel versions to their film counterparts, it is always exciting to see a director's interpretation of a work.  Some adaptations are awesome (I am still obsessed with The Hunger Games movie), while others are complete flops (I almost cried at The Lightning Thief; it was that terrible).  But, there are plenty of books I would still love to see made into films.

The Top Ten Books I'd Like to See Made into a Movie

1.  Divergent by Veronica Roth:

Kick-butt heroines are in, and I would love to see the Dauntless home base and a post-apocolyptic Chicago on screen.

2.  The Maze Runner by James Dashner:

This is a film with enough appeal for guys and girls, and a lot of opportunity exists for an imaginative director in this setting too.
3.  Entwined by Heather Dixon:

I can just imagine the beautiful costumes, and it would be fun to cast 11 sisters!

4.  Across the Universe by Beth Revis:

This is another setting I think would make an exciting and interesting movie.  Designing the Godspeed would be a lot of fun, and viewers would enjoy unraveling the mystery of the ship.

5.  The Forest of Hands and Teeth by Carrie Ryan:

I absolutely loved this book, even though it terrified me!  Hopefully, it would hook horror fans - and perhaps they would give the novel a try!

6.  Graceling by Kristin Cashore:

I absolutely adore this book, and the high-action plot would translate well to an exciting movie.

7.  Cross My Heart by Sasha Gould:

This book, while underwhelming as a novel, has real movie potential.  Sixteenth-century Venice would make a beautiful setting, and perhaps the mystery of the Segreta would play out better on the big screen.

8.  Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins:

Who doesn't love an adorable romantic movie?  Especially one set in Paris!

9.  Boneshaker by Cherie Priest:

Steampunk?  Yes!  Zombies?  Yes!  An awesome movie of Sucker Punch styling and action?  Sign me up!

10.  The Summer I Turned Pretty by Jenny Han:

Ok, truthfully this whole series would make fantastic movies.  The characters are sweet and believable, and I was very sad when the story ended.


  1. YESS to Entwined! I keep hearing so much about Divergent! I need to read it, but I put myself on a book-buying-ban until I move this June. Boo!

    Du Livre's Top Ten Tuesday

  2. I keep hearing good things about The Maze Runner and Anna and the French Kiss. Okay, must reads on my reading list and must see movies (since they should make them!)!
