Wednesday, March 21, 2012

W... W... W... Wednesday 3

W... W... W... Wednesdays is a weekly meme hosted by Should Be Reading.  To take part in this feature, you answer three questions in a blog post:

  • What are you currently reading?
  • What did you recently finish reading?
  • What do you think you'll read next?
This week has been a very busy week, and most of my reading has been student-generated (grading papers...), so I feel like I haven't gotten to read like I usually do.  That being said, I did get to finish a great book!

What am I currently reading?

Currently, I am reading Cobble Cavern by Erik Olsen (picture isn't loading, for whatever reason).  I am one of the stops on the blog tour hosted by Cedar Fort, which is very exciting!

What did I recently finish reading?

Earlier this week, I finished reading Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins.  Little bitter because my iPad deleted my review (always save those as Word docs - lesson learned!), but I did thoroughly enjoy the novel.  It was one of those books I was sad to finish!

What do I think I'll read next?

I always plan brilliantly to read something, but this time, it really is happening.  A student was very kind to lend me this book, and I WILL finish it this week!  Looking forward to it!

What's on everyone else's to read lists?


  1. I listened to the audiobook version of Will Grayson not too long ago. I really liked it (although I thought it was a bit too long).


  2. Bummer about the deleted review! I was wondering where that post went to. Glad to hear you loved it!

    1. Yeah... technology problems are frustrating. Grrr.
